Sunday, 21 June 2009

Photo shoot update

Posted by Marcia

The weekend photoshoot ended on an excellent note with over 50 people participating. Our special thanks goes to Mamiya who offered us their wonderful camera equipment, Hiroshi and Britt for providing us their excellent studio space and time, as well as all the participants who have happily travelled to Kokubunji. It was lovely meeting you all. Thank you.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Japan - Tokyo/Osaka

We are pleasd to announce that we have had over 80 people sign up for our photo shoot events in Japan so far. With two photo shoots this weekend in Tokyo and another two next week in Tokyo and Osaka, we are very much looking forward to meeting all the different Half Japanese people who are due to participate. We have the following slots available at the moment:

Tokyo, 21 June (Sun) 2:15pm
Tokyo, 24 June (Wed) 6:45pm and 7pm
Osaka, 28 June (Sun) 1:15pm and 13:45pm

The shoot will take 15 mins. For details please visit:

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

'Hafu' Photo Shoot & BBQ in London

Posted by Marcia

We are proud to say, last Sunday we had about 25 half Japanese people take part in our photo shoot. The weather was so tempting that we had to have a bbq lunch too.

We are very excited to see how quickly words travel: a friend of a work colleague's sister, a friend of a friend of a friend, or the daughter of a friend, etc - the route varies but we were all there for one reason - to be part of the project. It was lovely to meet some of the parents accompanying our participants too. There was a kind of a family feeling to the whole atmosphere, it didn't feel like I had never met any of them.

We are planning another Hafu shoot in London when we come back from Japan, possibly in August. Those of you who live in Japan or know anybody who may be interested in taking part, please check out details of the photo shoot events in Tokyo and Osaka: (English) (Japanese)
